Friday, July 4, 2008

Smelly gets a bath!!

Now for those of you wondering who Smelly is, he's "Smelly Puppy", Lexi's won't go "anywhere" without him, comfort toy. He was labeled smelly puppy because he has an opening at the back where you can put a block of lavender so that's how he got his name.

I'm ashamed to say he really has lived up to his name recently. Lexi has had him for 12 months and he hasn't had a bath "eek!!". I was too scared to give him one because if he fell apart all hell would break loose. But he was well overdue for one so Lex gave him one yesterday. Here are the photos :)


Anonymous said...

Had a chuckle at ol' Smelly getting a bath *snort* Love the updates to your site! xx G

Anonymous said...

oh that is too funny i just love those photos...



Anonymous said...

Thank you for making my day- the last one hanging by the ears is FAB and now you have a clean puppy!++